I can help with all aspects of forming, governing, administering, and running your small business. Corporations, LLCs, Partnerships; Contracts, Employment; Intellectual Property, 'Key Man' and Succession Planning. I hope to be your partner in your efforts to build a great company. I believe in small business and I want to be your small business law attorney in Austin.
Planning for the future includes making sure your loved ones are well protected in the future when you cannot be there for them. I offer a full range of estate planning tools and documents to help you help your family including trusts, wills, advance health care directives (living wills), powers of attorney, guardianship appointments, etc. Packages and quick-turn around times available.
Attorney responsible for content of this site: David L. Howell. No attorney described here is certified by the Texas Board of Legal Certification in any specific area of practice. Copyright Law Offices of David L. Howell. All rights reserved.
Office: 1700 Lemon Mint Ct., Austin, Texas (510) 396-1770 david@davidhowelllaw.com