Too often, attorneys and their clients work together on a one-off basis; and while this can get the immediate job done, it may be insufficient in the long-term to help the small business stay out of legal harm's way. I want to partner with my clients - get to know them and their business so I can provide them with proactive assistance and help to prevent issues before they become issues. This is always more cost-efficient for the client in the long-run and makes sure that the small business owner can concentrate on the business, and not the side-show of legal problems.
If you have a business location in the Austin area, I'd love to come see it; have a look around; get to know you, your style of management; and the workings of your business so I can do my job better. Let me know and we can schedule a time.
I look forward to working with you and for you.
Attorney responsible for content of this site: David L. Howell. No attorney described here is certified by the Texas Board of Legal Certification in any specific area of practice. Copyright Law Offices of David L. Howell. All rights reserved.
Office: 1700 Lemon Mint Ct., Austin, Texas (510) 396-1770